Dolibarr has detected a technical error.
This information can be useful for diagnostic purposes (you can set option $dolibarr_main_prod to '1' to remove such notices):
Date: 20250120132940
Dolibarr: 11.0.4
PHP: 7.4.33
Server: nginx/1.18.0
OS: Linux cooptools 5.10.0-26-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.197-1 (2023-09-29) x86_64
UserAgent: CCBot/2.0 (
Requested URL: /dolibarr/user/passwordforgotten.php
Menu manager: eldy_menu.php
Database type manager: mysqli
Latest database access request error: SELECT m.rowid, m.type, m.module, m.fk_menu, m.fk_mainmenu, m.fk_leftmenu, m.url, m.titre, m.langs, m.perms, m.enabled,, m.mainmenu, m.leftmenu, m.position FROM llx_menu as m WHERE m.entity IN (0,1) AND m.menu_handler IN ('eldy','all') AND m.usertype IN (0,2) ORDER BY m.position, m.rowid
Return code for latest database access request error: DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE
Information for latest database access request error: Table 'dolibarr.llx_menu' doesn't exist